Peer Reviewed: Some Explanation is Necessary — Peer Reviewed
Ramblings from a Researcher-In-Training

Peer Reviewed

Peer Reviewed: Some Explanation is Necessary

Why Am I Starting This Blog?

I've spent the better part of my life in academia — in fact, only four of my twenty-three years on this earth were spent outside a school of some kind. I got a bachelor's degree, went to medical school for a hot second, and have now switched to pursuing a PhD in clinical research. Throughout all this schooling, I've dedicated an absurd amount of time to finding ways to streamline my workflow, exploring what tools make me the most productive, and looking for other distractions along the way. I'm also a huge nerd (as you might expect of a PhD student), so writing about the intersection between my nerdy interests and my educational aspirations is something that has nagged at me for a while. Enter Peer Reviewed.

What Do I Plan on Writing About?

This blog will probably (hopefully?) be interesting to tech nerds in higher education who are eager to improve their workflow; a better note-taking app, a simpler way to manage email, or a useful web service that you didn't know existed. Other topics will find their way onto the site as well — hot takes on tech news, diatribes about US politics, and Dungeons & Dragons Siri Shortcuts, etc are sure to make an appearance.

I do most of my work on a 2018 11" iPad Pro, my iPhone XS, and a desktop Windows PC for when I need to do "real work". Therefore, most of what I write about will be geared towards these devices, and how I use each to suit my computing needs. That being said, I am interested in how the devices we use (and the companies that make them) impact our lives regardless of what operating system they are running.

Cool. What Do I Do Now?

If you've made it this far, thanks a bunch. "Blogging" and the notion of actually reading someones blog seems so antiquated in 2019, so I appreciate the investment your eyeballs have made just by reading this. If by some miracle you are interested in reading the next post I publish, go ahead and follow @Peer Reviewed_ on Twitter, or subscribe to this sites email newsletter or RSS feed to see each new article as I post them.