Ramblings from a Researcher-In-Training

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The Perfect Tool Doesn't Exist

Brent Simmons with some tough task manager truth on Inessential.com:

There’s no perfect system for anybody. All of these apps are pretty good, and you may find one fits you better than another, but you’re not ever going to make it the perfect system for you. Even if you started from scratch and wrote your own, you’re not getting the perfect system.

He is, of course, absolutely right: OmniFocus, Todoist, TickTick, Things, Microsoft To Do, Reminders...name 50 more productivity systems and they will all share in common their infuriating imperfection. Luckily, none of us need perfection — what we ultimately need from our tools is for them to measurably assist in whatever work we are doing with an acceptable assortment of trade-offs. This stretches well-beyond task managers: I certainly don’t have the “perfect” table saw — in fact, I’m sure that such a saw doesn't exist! But the one I do have adequately addresses my needs (as they are now), but constantly requires me to work around its limitations.

That’s life in a nutshell: Imperfect people making imperfect things with many, many imperfect tools. The tools might improve, sure, and you might stumble upon a better one from time to time — but never the magic bullet. So stop chasing the dragon of the “perfect” task manager (or the “perfect” anything, really) and instead take a moment to be content with what’s working for you right now.