Ramblings from a Researcher-In-Training

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Writing a Grant on an iPad Pro

Setting the Stage

As part of my PhD program, I am in a grant writing course that introduces National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant funding and also requires each of us to prepare an NIH-level grant for the majority of our grade. Beyond that, the grant I am preparing for the class will ideally be reworked and actually submitted to the NIH in hopes of being funded.

The NIH distributes the vast majority of federal dollars for research studies in all fields — their budget for 2019 is a healthy $39 billion — which means that their format and guidelines have become the de facto standard for most grants. The classic example of an NIH grant, the R01, is usually about 12 pages long (plus supplementary material!) and has certain sections that must be included to have any chance of being funded. Enough books have been written on how to write an R01 to empty out a few forests.

Which brings me to my question: can I efficiently write an R01 for my class using my iPad Pro alone? Specific formatting requirements, writing and referencing other materials simultaneously, and generating figures and flowcharts are not things the iPad has historically excelled at — but I gave it a shot anyway.

The App of "Choice"

Since this grant is as much for a grade as it is for submitting to the NIH, I have to work within the constraints of the assignment in addition to the NIH's requirements. For that reason, I'm working with a Word document template provided by my professor to produce this grant. This means the app I am using to compose the grant is Microsoft Word. Could I theoretically choose a different composition app to get the job done? Sure. Would I have to do five times the work for the same results? Also yes — so Word it is. Besides, academia is a thoroughly Microsoft Office world, I may as well embrace it.

That being said, using the Word app isn't half-bad. The app itself is very well featured — track changes for my iterative submissions, full support for OneDrive cloud storage, and overall a surprising fidelity to the desktop experience of using Word while still fitting in seamlessly with iOS. My biggest complaints while using Word were the little things like adding superscripts, subscripts, and Greek symbols such as α, β, and δ (Even now as I write this in Ulysses, I needed to bring up the Greek digital keyboard on-screen to produce those characters).

iPad Pro screenshot with Word settings
Manually toggling superscript when creating references was tedious — a keyboard shortcut would have been much better.

Supporting Cast

Other than Word for composing the grant and a web browser for viewing various references and materials, a few apps were needed to really bring the grant together. I briefly used Microsoft's Excel app to create a table (which could've also been done natively in Word) and to do some quick calculations with our preliminary dataset. However, the app I didn't know I needed but was nothing short of invaluable was Lucidchart. When writing a grant, a quality visual aid can help explain your thinking far more effectively than pages of text. That's why I wanted to chart out my conceptual model for how the nutrient we are studying is impacting pre-eclampsia risk. I was concerned about the prospect of making a flowchart of any kind on iOS because I have experienced how clunky that process can be on desktops; however, I found that with Lucidchart's app the process was easier on an iPad, not harder. Creating the flowchart was perhaps the most intuitive and seamless portion of writing this grant on iOS, and I'll certainly be returning to Lucidchart whenever I need to make a quick flowchart again!

iPad Pro screenshot of the Lucidchart app
Creating a conceptual model in Lucidchart was effortless and intuitive — good app design makes for great iOS experiences.

The Limitations of iOS

Naturally, writing this grant completely within the restrained potential of iOS came with some challenges, and first among them were the limitations of Split View. Writing a grant requires constantly referencing dozens of published articles to support your proposed research, meaning much of my time was spent with Word on one half of the screen and a web browser on the other to view articles on PubMed or other journal sites. The problem with this becomes more apparent when you see what PubMed looks like on an iPad:

iPad Pro screenshot of PubMed in Split View
Working with a site not optimized for mobile makes finding and reading references very unpleasant.

Finding and reading journal articles on a site not optimized for mobile was less than pleasant, and repeatedly zooming-in and zooming-out in the web browser to actually read the article I was viewing slowed my writing progress considerably. In addition, one of the biggest pitfalls of using Split View while actually composing text is not knowing which app is in the foreground at any given time. I would often times find myself starting to type only to find that Word was not the active app. This frustration has been around since Split View was redesigned in iOS 11, and its flaws remain mostly unchanged on iOS 12. I'm hopeful for significant improvements to Split View multitasking (and myriad other iOS workflows) when iOS 13 is announced at WWDC this June.

Lastly, my assignment required me to generate supporting documents like a bibliography, biosketch, budget, and so on. These documents needed to be created in a separate word document and inserted as attachments in the main grant document. Naturally, such a niche function of Microsoft Word was not available in the iOS app so the entirety of this process took place on my PC. Disappointingly, this was the one aspect of this grant that prevented me from writing the entirety of this grant assignment on iOS.

iPad Pro screenshot
Inserting separate documents as attachments is not a feature of the Word app on iOS.

An Exercise in Almost-Good-Enough

Trying to work solely from an iPad often feels like fencing yourself in and looking longingly at the features just out of your reach. iOS and its quirks are just frustrating enough to be bothersome even when working on a project that mostly involves typing words — a simple enough task to accomplish on any device. However, the iPad and what it enables developers to create (like Lucidchart's excellent app) also provides experiences that are far and away more intuitive than doing the same task on a traditional PC. Something about creating a flowchart using an Apple Pencil on an iPad just feels right, just like zooming in and out repeatedly to read a PDF in split view feels so wrong. Writing this grant highlighted for me some of the limitations that will hopefully be addressed in the coming months with the release of iOS 13, which will ideally match the powerful hardware of the 2018 iPad Pros with a similarly-powerful software experience.

Informed Consent, Onavo, and Facebook's Malicious Appetite for Data

EDITOR'S NOTE: This article was written when this story was more timely (although Facebook and privacy violations always seems to be a timely topic). Since I've just published the site, I wanted to include this note to clarify this article.

A Little Background

You might have heard about a big privacy scare in the news in recent weeks that many iPhone users are furious about — and no, it has nothing to do with FaceTime. TechCrunch broke the story that Facebook was paying users (including minors) to install a VPN with root-level access to their phones with the intention of tracking all their usage, encrypted or otherwise. If that wasn't bad enough, Facebook instructed those users to install this app using Facebook's enterprise certificate to circumvent Apple's app store review (which had already booted the same app for privacy violations in August of 2018).

Apple promptly revoked Facebook's enterprise certificate (which turned out to be their only enterprise certificate), crippling this internal-yet-oh-so-external spyware app as well as many other internal Facebook applications. Facebook has acknowledged that they misused their enterprise certificate to distribute an app to consumers, but Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg also claimed that users who downloaded the app "knew they were involved and consented" in the so-called "Facebook Research App". As a researcher myself, I was pretty skeptical that Facebook's practices would even come close to meeting the benchmark of "informed consent", and it didn't take long for my worries to be confirmed: Dave Lee with the BBC demonstrated just how easy it was to sign up for the app as a 14 year-old and receive a link to download it — no parental consent required.

I think Facebook (and many other big tech companies) throws around the word "consent" a little too loosely — whether it be in their inscrutable Terms of Service or in examples as grotesque as this data-tracking app. In my field, "consent" means a full understanding of the risks and benefits, and a willing acceptance of those risks and benefits without any sort of coercion. In addition, minors are not typically allowed to give consent for most things in the field of research (though assent is required depending on the circumstance). The idea that a web-form with a few blurbs about "agreeing to the Terms of this program" is sufficiently "informed" for a self-proclaimed research app is ludicrous to me, especially given the significant (and likely misunderstood) amount of data users handed over. I'm sure most users of the Facebook Research App don't fully understand what a VPN is, let alone how much of their private data it allowed Facebook to see.

Informed consent is a big deal in my line of work (and in general) — our team's research is focused on pregnant women and their newborn infants, so the rules for consent are even more strict. For example, if I would like to do a study on placental tissue from deliveries at our hospital (tissue that is normally disposed of after delivery) there is a rigorous process I have to go through before I get started. I have to write up a lengthy Institutional Review Board application, explaining the reason for my research and the ways I am minimizing any unnecessary risk to patients. I have to write a consent form in lay-terms so that a patient could read it and have good understanding of the studies risks and benefits. I have to explain why I'm researching minors in the first place, or why I'm not using an alternative that avoids involving minors all together. Then, assuming that same Review Board actually approves my study, when I actually consent a patient I have to confirm that they understand the risks and benefits before enrolling them in the study. Oh, and I have to specify exactly how I plan to use their tissue, and not go beyond that without asking for their consent again.

Needless to say, the Facebook Research App would fall laughably short at all of these steps (and the myriad I didn't list in my simplistic example). Then again, Facebook's malicious appetite for user data is what motivates them, not any desire for basic ethics in the way they gather it. Perhaps Facebook's blatant disregard for the standard of "informed consent" belies a defining characteristic of their business model: they prefer their users uninformed.